Monday, August 24, 2015

How to Discover the Top Phlebotomy Schools in California

Phlebotomy training focuses on drawing blood for assessment. The medical specialist who draws venous blood is known as a phlebotomist. Choosing a phlebotomy college is the first step towards a new career as a phlebotomist, and it's also one of the most important.

The college you attend will determine what kind of training you obtain and may be a big deciding factor for a potential employer. Besides the reputation and quality of the school, there are several other factors to consider such as the cost of tuition, the possibility of financial aid, and the flexibility associated with classes.




There are ways to get started in phlebotomy all across the US, and many of the programs even offer evening classes. That gives students the flexibility to do their class work when they have the time and keep their current job until certified. There are a number of top phlebotomy schools in California and because it is such a large and populated state, there are also plenty of places like hospitals and clinics to do the hands-on portion of the training. 

Jobs in California tend to pay more than in other states due to the higher than average cost of living. To begin this career, phlebotomists have to be licensed and certified in this state. Most courses in the medical field require a long time commitment before graduating, so why chose phlebotomy?



To get started, students in this field only need to have a G.E.D or a high school diploma. The length of education depends on which institution is chosen, although there are programs that enable people to get their phlebotomy training in as little as one semester. Certificate programs can last up to a year. 

Compared to many jobs, this doesn't take much time at all. Many careers, especially medical, take much longer to get into, so this is a great way to break into a new career fast. The programs that are longer usually require some hands-on laboratory work.



Those who want to go to school for a longer period of time can choose to get a two-year associate degree in this field.  It just depends on each individual’s situation. Those who choose a quicker certification can always go back and get a more advanced degree, which may help with job promotion.

While higher level training isn't required to get a job, this may help phlebotomists to get a better salary. This is a great career option for people who need full time work but don't want to spend four years in an expensive college. Plus, there are plenty of openings in California for those who want to get started working right away.